Announcement to Opening
Information to Opening

We are very happy to announce you that Government and Ministry of Education has confirmed the re-opening of Kindergartens in standard regime from Monday, 8.2.2021.
- We will follow strict epidemiological measures.
- Kindergarten will be open from 7:00 to 18:00 again.
- We come back to previous daily schedule and classes will be not mixed anymore, except for early mornings and late afternoons when the children may join in sections.
- All the classes will start to use the standard entrances and passing the morning filter as before lockdown.
- All the children (from Nursery up to Y1) as well as teachers will use the face masks/respirators, at least for the whole next week. The reason is to eliminate the potential risk of spreading a new virus mutation which is more infectious among children.
- Every class will use the ionisator over the day.
- All the teachers will be re-tested on Friday, 5.2.2021.
- Parents must provide us with the negative test (one parent). The test should be officially not older than 7 days, however, we would appreciate to have it more actual.
- On Monday, 8.2.2021 the parents will have to sign the official Declaration. Please, make sure your child will be taken to kindergarten by legal guardian/ parent.
- In case, you have been travelling abroad, please, follow the instructions of Health Public Authority. You are supposed to stay in 14day quarantine and take PCR test on the 8th day of your quarantine.
We hopefully see you again on Monday. In case of any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us. For more info check:
Declaration of Infectiousness to download here: